A cinnamon stick and whole cardamom pods infuse right into the coffee as it brews in the fridge.
It’s basically the shuk in a glass.

1½ cups (5 ounces) coarsely ground coffee beans (French press grind) of your choice (I like dark roast)
1 cinnamon stick
10 cardamom pods, slightly crushed
Date-Sweetened Almond Milk (page 302), for serving
Place the coffee, cinnamon stick, and cardamom pods in a large lidded jar (lined with a nut-milk bag, if you have one) or cold-brew pitcher and slowly add 5 cups cold water (filtered or bottled if you prefer). Cover and refrigerate for at least 12 hours and up to 24.
If you made the coffee in a cold-brew pitcher, you’re good to go; pour and enjoy.
If you made it in a jar, remove and discard the cardamom pods and cinnamon sticks. Line a fine-mesh strainer with a double layer of cheesecloth and strain the coffee into a bowl, pressing down or forming a sack and squeezing as much liquid as possible into the bowl (or strain through the nut-milk bag, if using). Transfer to a bottle.
To serve, dilute with up to an equal amount of water (but less if you’re adding milk, whether it’s the Date Sweetened Almond Milk from the book or any 🥛🥛🥛 of your choice).
Refrigerate and use for up to 1 week.